Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Florida
Are you thinking about filing for divorce and contacting an attorney? One of the first questions your Tampa divorce attorney will ask is whether your divorce is going to be contested or uncontested.
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Are you thinking about filing for divorce and contacting an attorney? One of the first questions your Tampa divorce attorney will ask is whether your divorce is going to be contested or uncontested.
What ever happened to the proposal to change alimony in the State of Florida in 2020? Lexie Larkin explains the changes to Florida’s alimony reform bill and how it may affect your alimony in Florida case.
A job loss or a pay cut due to no fault of your own may allow you to pursue a temporary suspension or reduction of child support or alimony payments in Florida.
If you have court-ordered time-sharing and live in Sarasota or Manatee County during the Coronavirus pandemic, then you should consult Administrative Order 2020-9.12 before making any changes to your Parenting Plan.
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